Sample cover letter
This template can help you to structure your own cover letter.

A cover letter allows you to give an employer more details about your experience and can help you to stand out from the other job applicants. A well written cover letter can increase your chances of being invited for an interview so it is a good idea to take some time to prepare it.
It is important to create a new cover letter for each application you submit so that you have information that is only relevant to the job included on it.
Sample cover letter
Joe Sheeran
August 18, 2021
Dear [Hiring Manager’s name],
I am writing to apply for the position of Youth Sports Counsellor as advertised on Indeed. Considering my experience in sport and youth-focused roles and my passion for helping young people to reach their full potential, I feel that I am a strong candidate for this position.
I particularly enjoy positions that allow me to spend time with youth outdoors and encourage them to get involved in a diverse range of activities. I feel that a position with your organisation would give me an opportunity to do this, while also allowing me to use my experience and knowledge of sports and fitness to help others.
Since graduating with a degree in Sports Science in 2014, I have worked in a range of youth leader positions. I am currently a youth leader with the Craic Club – a non-profit organisation that aims to give young people somewhere to study, take part in sports and socialise after school hours. In my position, I work directly with young people between the ages of 12 and 20, encouraging them to try new activities and stay fit. I am also responsible for coordinating outreach to other youth organisations and encouraging more young people to join Craic Club.
Through working in various other roles, I have developed my ability to recognise and respond to the needs of young people and encourage them to find a form of exercise that works for them. Most recently, I worked as a P.E. teacher and sports camp leader at a local primary school. In this role, I was primarily tasked with organising and supervising group activities. By developing an awareness of the needs and preferences of each individual, I ensured the activities remained engaging and accessible for a diverse group of young people. As a result of this experience, I feel that I developed the organisational, communication and adaptability skills that you are looking for.
Please find my CV attached. Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Joe Sheeran.
Cover letter structure
The above sample should give you an idea of how to write a cover letter. Here are some basic guidelines on how to structure your own:
- First Paragraph: The first paragraph should be a brief introduction including information on who you are, the job you are applying for and where you saw the job ad
- Second Paragraph: Explain why you are interested in the job and the organisation. Try to show that you know about the company’s work and values
- Third Paragraph: Talk about your own relevant strengths and skills and why they make you a strong candidate
- Fourth Paragraph: Highlight any other relevant points such as what you hope to gain from the job and/ or other relevant skills and experience you have
- Final Paragraph: Conclude positively
Tips for writing a cover letter
Before sending your cover letter, there are some small things to keep in mind.
- Try to address your letter to the actual hiring manager. If their name is not mentioned, consider phoning or emailing the company and asking who the hiring manager is
- Make sure to check for any spelling and grammatical mistakes before sending your application
Find out more about how to write a cover letter.
Support with writing a cover letter
If you are unemployed, your local employment service (LES) or your local Job Club can help you with writing a CV and filling in job application forms. They can also help with training in interview skills.
Intreo Centres and Local Employment Services (LES) can help you to search for a job if you are long-term unemployed. They are in contact with local employers. LES also provide information on training options and employment schemes. Find your nearest LES office.
Job Clubs provide training and support for jobseekers. They can help with CV writing, interview skills, and give support with the search for a job.
They also offer drop-in services and formal workshops lasting from 1 to 4 weeks. To attend a formal workshop, you must be a jobseeker who has been referred by a local employment service. Find your nearest Job Club. Find more information on getting a job on the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed website.
Need more information?
We are here to answer your questions and talk through your options. Our online chat service is for 16 to 25 year olds and is available Monday to Friday, 4pm to 8pm. Chat to us now about your situation.
- Chat now to a trained Youth Information Officer
- Or leave us a message and we will email you back