Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment
Find out more about Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment and how you can apply for it

Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment is a social welfare payment for parents who live alone and have children between the ages of 7 and 13 years old. It is a type of Jobseeker’s Allowance with special exceptions to support these parents to enter the workforce.
How do I qualify for Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment?
To qualify for Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment, you must meet some of the same requirements as you would for Jobseeker’s Allowance. Find out more about the Jobseeker’s Allowance requirements. The maximum weekly rate of payment is the same for both, but with Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment you:
- Must be the main carer of one child
- Do not have to be available for and seeking full-time work. This is to allow you to care for your young children. If you do find full-time work, there are some childcare supports that you can avail of
- Do not have to be fully unemployed for 4 out of 7 days. This means you could work 5 days a week in the mornings, while your children are in school, and still claim JST, subject to a means test
- Can take part in an educational course and still claim JST
- Cannot cohabit with another person while you are claiming JST
You must sign a declaration every three months to confirm that you are still entitled to Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment. You must also declare any change in your circumstances such as changes to your living situation to the Department of Social Protection.
What do I need to do to apply for, and receive, Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment?
When you start receiving JST, you will be invited to attend a meeting with one of the Department of Social Protection’s case officers. This meeting will help you gain access to any education, training or employment schemes that will help you prepare for full-time employment. You must attend this meeting or you could be paid a reduced rate of JST.
Can I still work and claim Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment?
You can still work and claim JST. There is no limit on how much you can work. The amount of payment you receive from social welfare depends on your weekly means. Your weekly means is how much you earn per week.
However, the first €165 you earn as an employee is not taken into account for your means. The €165 disregard does not apply to income from self-employment. This disregard allows you to earn €165 per week and still qualify for the maximum amount of JST. Then 50% of the rest of your earnings are assessed as means.
Other sources of income can also impact the rate of payment you may receive. If you are receiving maintenance, the first €95.23 of rent or mortgages costs can be offset against maintenance and half of the balance of maintenance you receive will be deducted from your payment.
Can I claim any secondary social welfare payments while receiving this payment?
Yes, you qualify for Fuel Allowance, Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance, and in certain circumstances, Rent Supplement. However, if you are getting a student grant, or are in full-time education, you cannot get Rent Supplement unless you move on to Back to Education Allowance.
How do I apply for Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment?
You apply for Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment using the JST1 form. You can also get an application form from your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Office.
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