Climate action groups for young people in Ireland

There are plenty of ways for young people to get involved in climate activism in Ireland

Last Updated: Nov-27-23


If you’re interested in getting involved in the climate movement, joining a climate action group could be a good first step. Connecting with people who share your interests and passion in the environment has many benefits. A group environment can be enjoyable, give you the opportunity to learn new things and serve as a support network if you need it.

Climate action groups for young people

There are several climate action groups for young people in Ireland that you could consider joining.

Fridays for Future Ireland

Fridays for Future Ireland is a network of student climate activists who lead Fridays for Future school strikes around Ireland. Through these strikes, which usually take place outside town halls and government buildings, they demand that the Irish government takes action on climate change and climate injustice in Ireland. Fridays For Future Ireland is a branch of the global #FridaysForFuture movement. If you are interested in getting involved, find details about the times and locations of upcoming strikes or contact your local climate strike group.

Extinction Rebellion Ireland

Extinction Rebellion Ireland is a branch of the global Extinction Rebellion movement. Through what it describes as non-violent civil disobedience (choosing to disobey certain rules or laws), this group aims to persuade governments to take action on the climate and environmental emergency. In Ireland, they demand that:

  • The Irish government and media adequately inform the public of the climate and biodiversity emergency and communicate the urgency for change and the consequences of not taking action
  • The Irish government must act to immediately halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2030, while reversing all policies that do not support this goal
  • The policy changes that are made must not require the most vulnerable people to make the biggest sacrifices

Extinction Rebellion Ireland organises regular demonstrations and protests around the country. For more on their upcoming events and to join, you can visit their website.

Young Friends of the Earth

Young Friends of the Earth is a voluntary group that aims to advance global climate justice by inspiring and encouraging people to join the movement in Ireland. The group is open to people of all ages who are interested in getting involved in the climate justice movement. To find out more or get involved, you can email [email protected].

One Future

One Future is a network of climate campaign groups around Ireland that are supported by Friends of the Earth Ireland and Stop Climate Chaos. These groups aim to encourage faster and fairer climate action within their constituencies and communities by building local campaigns and lobbying local TDs. If you want to find out more about your local group, you can visit the Stop Climate Chaos website.

Climate Ambassador Programme

The An Taisce Climate Ambassador Programme gives you the opportunity to promote positive climate actions in your workplace, school, campus or community. As a Climate Ambassador, you will be asked to carry out at least two climate actions and two climate communications in the place that you choose. You will also be required to complete a short report about your work during your time as a Climate Ambassador.

By getting involved in the year-long programme, you will have the opportunity to receive on-going climate training, including science, communications and well-being, go on tours to see best practice examples of climate adaptation and mitigation and meet An Taisce’s Climate Action Officers, who will fully support you and other Climate Ambassadors with your projects.

ECO-UNESCO Youth Climate Justice Challenge

The ECO-UNESCO Youth Climate Advocate programme gives young people the opportunity to learn more about climate justice. Participants get the chance to attend climate justice workshops, learn project management and communication skills, and deliver a group action project. For more information and to find out when the application process opens, sign up to the ECO-UNESCO newsletter.

College societies

If you are a third level student, it is possible that your college has an environmental society or Green Campus Committee. Through getting involved in these societies, you can help to raise awareness of the climate crisis and other environmental issues on your college campus. You can find a list of active societies on your college website.

Whether you’re new to the climate action movement or have knowledge and experience of the topic, joining a climate action group can allow you to learn, connect and effect positive change. By contacting existing groups for information, you can find one that aligns with your values and goals.

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