Over 2,400 people supported by Youth Information Chat in 2022

The Youth Information Chat service has published the 2022 Impact Report. In the report, the service’s achievements are highlighted with insight into the national and regional impact made in 2022.
The key findings of the report:
- There were 2,412 conversations with people about the issues that mattered to them
- On average, people waited just 22 seconds to speak to a Youth Information Officer
- There were complex queries with the average chat taking 16 minutes 58 seconds
- The service provided national coverage, online and available for over 994 hours
- More than 657,000 people reached through social media advertising
You can read the full 2022 Impact Report by clicking the button below.
About Youth Information Chat
Youth Information Chat offers information, advice and guidance about the issues that matter to young people. It is a free, non-judgemental, one-to-one, online chat and email service for young people.
The service is available to all young people aged 16 – 25 years old, as well as parents, guardians, friends, family and those working with young people.
The service is staffed by Youth Information Officers from Crosscare, YMCA and Youth Work Ireland. The Officers aim to enable young people to make their own informed choices and become independent and active citizens through accessible information sharing.
The service is open Monday to Friday from 4:00 – 8:00 PM (excluding Bank Holidays). Outside of those hours, young people can leave a message at any time, day or night, and we will reply to them by email during our opening hours.
To get information, advice and guidance about the issues that matter to you, contact the Youth Information Chat service at www.spunout.ie/question