Written by: Anonymous
This spunout contributor talks about struggling with their mental health and how they are happy where they are now.
Written by: Anonymous
This SpunOut.ie volunteer talks about life with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and what it's like day-to-day
Written by: Anonymous
This spunout contributor shares their thoughts on the supports for students dealing with a bereavement during the leaving cert.
Written by: Anonymous
This SpunOut reader believes that young people need to be made more award of the dangers of fake news in society
Written by: Anonymous
Living in rural Ireland can be difficult for young LGBTI+ people and this SpunOut.ie volunteers thinks we need to do better
Written by: Anonymous
After her father left, it took time for this spunout contributor to realise that she was going through a grieving process.
Written by: Anonymous
This SpunOut.ie volunteer talks about her experience with self-harm and what has helped her in her recovery
Written by: Anonymous
After not getting the support they needed initially, this SpunOut.ie volunteer talks about why it's important to find the right counsellor for you.
Written by: Anonymous
Mental health issues are different for everyone. Here are some ways this contributor learned to cope with their Dad's illness.
Written by: Anonymous
What are the different types of bulling, why people bully and and how you can help someone who is being bullied.
Written by: Anonymous
"Eating disorders had been in my life for the last ten years, and I did not want to see it take another year of mine."
Written by: Anonymous
As a 16 year old themselves, this SpunOut.ie reader thinks the voting age should stay at 18