Rebekah Connolly

Women’s Aid launch Impact Report 2017

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

21,451 women contacted Women’s Aid Direct Services in 2017

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Share your experience of sex education in school

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

Take our survey on sex education and help to shape the new curriculum

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Enter the Get Animated about Rights competition

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

Your picture could be made into an animation

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The Public Service Card and your Driver Licence

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

From April 2018 you will need a PSC to get a Driver Licence

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What part of love is abuse?

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

If your relationship feels wrong, chances are it probably is

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Help develop online mental health services

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

Take this short survey to create a better online experience

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A Valentine’s Day gift that makes a difference

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

Spread the love and support the LGBTI+ community this Valentine's

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Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative 2018

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

Applications now open to become a YTILI Fellow 2018

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Working Notes journal explores issues facing young people in Ireland today

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

The journal provides a social analysis and theological reflection on issues facing Irish young people today.

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Register now for the Aldi Foróige Youth Citizenship Awards 2018

Written by: Rebekah Connolly

Applications are now open until the 26th of March

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