
Are you drinking caffeine every day? Here are some of the side effects

Written by: spunout

Side-effects of caffeine and your recommended daily dose!

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10 superfoods to include in your diet

Written by: spunout

Get these awesome energy foods into you to keep you going for longer.

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How to plan for 30 minutes of exercise a day

Written by: spunout

Tips to get you moving and more active for 30 minutes a day

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How to begin exercising

Written by: spunout

Tips to kick off a realistic fitness regime

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Health Hack Plan: Week 1

Written by: spunout

Here are some ideas to kick you off on your Health Hack Challenge.

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6 simple steps for affordable exercise

Written by: spunout

There's more to exercise than the gym

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Swap junk food for these healthier snacks

Written by: spunout

Better choices for healthy eating.

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Never have a basic lunch again

Written by: spunout

Simple and quick ideas for midday meals

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10 apps that will change the way you eat

Written by: spunout

Try these handy tools to help you get eating healthier

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Meal planning made easy

Written by: spunout

Making a weekly meal plan will make your life a lot easier

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10 ways to get fit without the gym

Written by: spunout

Easy ways to get your 30 minutes of exercise a day

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Blog: Suicide Prevention Day 2014

Written by: spunout

SpunOut marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2014.

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