
The Education, Training and Development Option for jobseekers

Written by: spunout

It is possible to take on a short course and retain your jobseeker's payment.

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What is the Part-Time Education Option for jobseekers?

Written by: spunout

It is possible to keep your jobseeker's payment and take part in part-time courses

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Community Education: The non-formal approach to education

Written by: spunout

Community education refers to informal adult learning which aims to empower people and support local communities

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What Social Welfare payments can I retain when I enter employment?

Written by: spunout

There are some social welfare payments you can claim while working or studying part time

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Garda Vetting for Employment

Written by: spunout

If you work with children or vulnerable adults, you may have to undergo vetting

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What is the Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) Programme?

Written by: spunout

The WAM Programme helps connect graduates with disabilities with work placement opportunities

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Foundation course for people with visual impairments

Written by: spunout

A free course from the National Council for the Blind

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Unfair dismissal from work

Written by: spunout

Find out more about your employment rights

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How to get a Workplace Equipment and Adaptation Grant

Written by: spunout

A grant for people with a disability who work in the private sector

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Can I sign on for social insurance credits?

Written by: spunout

Find out if you are eligible to receive social insurance credits

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What is Carer’s Benefit?

Written by: spunout

If you are a full-time carer, you may be entitled to a payment known as Carer's Benefit

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Who qualifies for Carer’s Allowance?

Written by: spunout

Full-time carers may be entitled to receive financial support in the form of Carer's Allowance

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