Written by: Emma O'Toole
SpunOut.ie volunteer Emma talks about the fitness and clean eating movement on social media and the impact it can have
Written by: Emma O'Toole
Emma talks about small steps we can all take to reduce our impact on the environment.
Written by: Emma O'Toole
Looking for delicious vegan food in Dublin? Emma has put together a list of her favourite spots for you to try.
Written by: Emma O'Toole
After doing some research, Emma started to cut out animal products from her diet one by one.
Written by: Emma O'Toole
This beetroot veggie burger recipe is great to make in bulk and defrost when needed for delicious lunches or dinners.
Written by: Emma O'Toole
This vegetarian lentil pie recipe is filling, tasty and a nice dish for warming yourself up a cold winter evening.
Written by: Emma O'Toole
Have you ever added vegetables to your porridge? This courgette porridge is delicious and helps get more vegetables in your diet
Written by: Emma O'Toole
This oat bread is really easy to make with ingredients that you hopefully already have in your cupboards
Written by: Emma O'Toole
If you're looking for a healthier alternative to go with your morning tea, give these a try
Written by: Emma O'Toole
If you're looking to try something new, this delicious quiche recipe is worth trying.
Written by: Emma O'Toole
These pancakes are fluffy, delicious and can be made with ingredients that are really easy to find.
Written by: Emma O'Toole
This delicious and simple recipe is great for cold winter mornings