Katie Donohoe

My toolkit for managing my anxiety and depression

Written by: Weronika Alchimionek

Weronika has found self-belief to manage her anxiety and depression through a number of tools that work for her.

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Advice for students heading to college campus for the first time

Written by: Abigale Owens

With many students starting on campus for the first time this semester, here are some tips to combat any first day nerves.

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Tell us how spunout has helped you

Written by: spunout

We want to hear from young people who have a story to tell about spunout's impact on them.

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Stigma facing young people highlights the need for inclusive sex education

Written by: Amy O'Brien

Amy O'Brien speaks to those whose experiences are currently left out of the current sex education curriculum.

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Pride in both my non-binary and neurodivergent identity

Written by: Ollie Bell

Founder of trans and intersex pride Dublin, Ollie Bell, shares their experience as a non-binary person living with autism.

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6 ways to support someone who has been sexually assaulted

Written by: Eimear Clogher

With one in five women experiencing sexual assault, Eimear Clogher shares six of ways you can support a survivor of sexual assault.

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I was in a sexually violent relationship in college – here’s what I think you should know

Written by: Skye Turner

When sexual violence took place in their relationship, embarrassment prevented them from asking for help. Here's what they now realise.

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I was sent unwanted nudes on Snapchat when I was 13

Written by: Aisling Comiskey

Aisling discusses one of the most common forms of sexual violence - being sent unwanted nudes - and how speaking out can help victims.

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Face up to Fatshaming podcast transcript

Ciara CaseyHi, everyone. My name is Ciara. I’m on the Northwest Regional panel with spunout. I suppose I have an interesting combatting fatsh...

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