Katie Donohoe

Why getting help for PCOS should be easier

Written by: Karen Johnson

Karen had been experiencing symptoms of PCOS since age 13, but it took her a long time to get a diagnosis.

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​​How my recovery from depression is a constant process

Written by: Diarmuid Gallagher

Diarmuid details how his recovery from depression and anxiety has involved using techniques that have helped show him his strengths when it comes t...

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What I realised through my recovery from an eating disorder

Written by: Maria

One of the first steps in Maria’s recovery journey was acknowledging her eating disorder.

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How CBT and therapy helped my mental health recovery

Written by: Aly Ryan

While Aly has found her mental health recovery journey frustrating at times, it is helping her have the life she knows she deserves.

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How changing my mindset helped my mental health recovery journey

Written by: Bhargavi Magadi

Bhargavi explains how learning to separate emotions and behaviours really improved their mental health.

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Making the first step to healing my depression

Written by: Marie-Helene Junker

Realising that they were experiencing depression, Marie started on a healing journey involving therapy and social media.

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How I started and have continued my eating disorder recovery journey

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel writes about her not-so-straightforward eating disorder recovery and how choosing to recover is a daily process.

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The parts of student counselling that worked for me

Written by: Sarah

Sarah shares the ups and downs they faced while attending three different student counselling services during their time in college.

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What people get wrong about inpatient mental health recovery

Written by: Rebecca O'Brien

Rebecca explains how mental health recovery in a hospital setting may look confusing at first.

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How managing my anxiety is going to be a lifelong process

Written by: Leah Walker

By getting through an anxiety attack, Leah now feels more capable of managing her recovery journey.

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Written by: spunout

Discover the voices, stories and lived experiences of young people sharing what equality means to them.

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How the education system needs better learning supports

Written by: Kenneth Henry

Kenneth shares his thoughts on how the education system could better support those with disabilities.

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