Katie Donohoe

What people get wrong about inpatient mental health recovery

Written by Rebecca O'Brien

Rebecca explains how mental health recovery in a hospital setting may look confusing at first.

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How managing my anxiety is going to be a lifelong process

Written by Leah Walker

By getting through an anxiety attack, Leah now feels more capable of managing her recovery journey.

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Written by spunout

Discover the voices, stories and lived experiences of young people sharing what equality means to them.

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How the education system needs better learning supports

Written by Kenneth Henry

Kenneth shares his thoughts on how the education system could better support those with disabilities.

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The need for education in ending violence against women

Written by Craig Doyle

Craig outlines his thoughts on what we can do to combat violence against women through education.

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Finding my voice through volunteering with spunout

Written by Denise Harding

As Denise finishes up her volunteering experience with spunout, she reflects on the journey it has taken her on.

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How I cope with eco-anxiety

Written by Amy O Brien

Amy reflects on anxieties that many young people feel and how feeling empowered has helped them to cope.

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How mental health treatment supported my recovery

Written by Lucy Graham

Lucy shares how medication, exposure therapy and patience has helped her get back on track with her mental health.

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How inpatient mental health treatment wasn’t what I was expecting

Written by Anonymous

Having gone through a mental health crisis, this author shares their experience of inpatient care.

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Getting treatment for my hidden battle with social anxiety

Written by Jack Hilliard

Jack speaks to Ali about her experience overcoming social anxiety through a number of different treatments.

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Weighing up the pros and cons of taking psychiatric medication

Isabel recalls her journey towards developing a treatment programme that includes discovering the right medication for her.

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Advocating for yourself during mental health appointments

Isabel outlines the steps she took to ensure she received the mental health treatment and support she needed.

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