How can JobsPlus help me to get back to work?
Find out how this programme can help you get a job

JobsPlus is a government programme that encourages businesses to hire people who have not been working for a long time.
What is JobsPlus?
JobsPlus is a programme that pays employers to hire people who are long-term unemployed. The employer must offer full-time employment of over 30 hours per week to a JobsPlus employee
Am I eligible for JobsPlus?
To be eligible for JobsPlus, you must meet one of the following:
- You are under 30 and have been unemployed for at least four months in the previous six months and have been receiving a Jobseeker’s Payment. This includes people who are signing on for credits only, COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP), or a combination of both payments
- You have refugee status and are receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance
- You have a child between the ages of 7 and 14, previously received One-Parent Family Payment and are currently receiving Jobseeker’s Transitional (JST) payment
Time spent on certain activation schemes or in prison can count towards your total period out of work. However, you must meet the criteria to be eligible for a jobseeker’s payment. You can check which payments and schemes count towards the qualifying period for JobsPlus.
JobsPlus is not available to people on apprenticeships, work experience, or educational or training schemes.
Which employers can use the JobsPlus scheme?
All employers in the private, community, not-for-profit and voluntary sectors can use JobsPlus. It is not open to public service employers.
Businesses have to be registered as a PAYE employer, be compliant with all Irish tax and employment laws and give details of their workforce to the Department of Social Protection before applying for JobsPlus payments.
Not every type of work qualifies for JobsPlus support. In order to get the payments, the job on offer must be full-time for at least four days per week. The employee must be working at least 30 hours every week and has to be on the company payroll, subject to PAYE and PRSI.
Employers that are approved for the JobsPlus scheme can find employees by contacting Intreo, or by advertising the roles on the Jobs Ireland website.
How can I apply as a JobsPlus employee?
If a qualified company is considering hiring you under JobsPlus and you are interested in taking the role, there are a few steps you will need to take.
- Find out if you are eligible for JobsPlus by registering here
- If you are eligible, the Department of Social Protection will send you a two-part JP1 form
- You must fill out Part A yourself, and give Part B to your potential employer to complete. If they decide to hire you, they will complete Part B and send in both parts on your behalf
- If the application is approved and the employer decided to hire you, the Department will get in touch to remind you to close your jobseeker’s claim
- You will need to close your claim when you are offered the position by the employer. You can do this online or at your local Intreo Centre or social welfare office
Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to start your new job.
Need more information?
We are here to answer your questions and talk through your options. Our online chat service is for 16 to 25 year olds and is available Monday to Friday, 4pm to 8pm. Chat to us now about your situation.
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