What Social Welfare payments can I retain when I enter employment?
There are some social welfare payments you can claim while working or studying part time

If you are unemployed and returning to work or education, you may be entitled to receive a social welfare payment.
Work, study and social welfare payments
Your eligibility for a new or continued payment will depend on your circumstances, and the type of work or course you are participating in.
Can I work and claim social welfare payments?
Below is a list of some of the payments that you may be eligible for if you are working:
- Jobseeker’s Allowance and work
- Jobseeker’s Benefit and work
- Jobseeker’s Allowance and self-employment
- Working Family Payment
- Part-time Job Incentive Scheme
- Back to Work Enterprise Allowance
Can I be self-employed and receive social welfare payments?
If you are self-employed or plan to set up your own business, you may be eligible for one of the following social welfare payments:
Can I study and receive social welfare payments?
- Back to Education Initiative
- Back to Education Allowance – Second Level
- Back to Education Allowance – Third Level
- Back to Education Allowance – Postgraduate
- Vocational Training Opportunity Scheme
Find out more about these by calling in to your local Intreo Centre or social welfare office.
Learn more about social welfare supports and work.
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