QUIZ: How much do you know about positive mental health?
There’s more to it than you might think. Test yourself with our quiz!

Positive mental health is an important thing to have in our lives. There’s a lot we can do to promote positive mental health and improve our overall wellbeing, beginning with an understanding of what it means to have positive mental health. Take our quiz to find out how much you know.
Want to brush up on your knowledge before you start? Read our factsheets on positive mental health and 10 ways to maintain your positive mental health.
Which of these is a definition of positive mental health?
Positive mental health isn’t about always feeling happy or never experiencing a mental health difficulty. Having positive mental health means having an overall positive sense of wellbeing and feeling like you can handle any challenges that come your way. Even if you go through a hard time, someone with positive mental health has the resilience to overcome it. Learn more about resilience here.
Which of these can have a negative impact on your mental health?
Alcohol can negatively impact your mental health in a number of ways. Sometimes, alcohol can be a cause of mental health problems, and in other cases, alcohol can make mental health problems worse. Cutting down on drinking can be a good way to promote positive mental health. Learn more about the link between alcohol and mental health here.
Which of these can have a positive impact on your mental health?
All of these are great ways to promote positive mental health. Find more ways to maintain your positive mental health here
What is resilience?
Resilience is the ability to overcome challenges, adapt, and keep going after something difficult has happened in your life. Resilience is a feature of positive mental health, learn more about resilience here.
How does caring for others help to create positive mental health?
Caring for others is a great way to create closer relationships with friends and family, and is a great way to show your support for them just as they show their support for you. However, it’s not a positive thing if you do it to avoid dealing with your own issues to because you want to hold it against them.
What can exercise do for your mental health?
Exercise not only benefits your physical and mental health, but it also improves your overall mood and happiness as well. When you exercise, endorphins (a feel-good chemical) are released in the brain, leading to an overall more positive mood. Exercise can also lead to a boost in self-esteem and self-confidence.
How does positive mental health help you look at situations differently?
When you have positive mental health, you’re less likely to look at situations in a negative light and appreciate both the positives and the challenges. This makes it easier to make decisions, because you can spend more time considering the ways to make something work, instead of all of the ways that things could go wrong. Here are 6 ways to promote positive thinking
Which of these is a feature of positive mental health?
People with positive mental health are more likely to take time for themselves to do something they like or that relaxes them. They are also more likely to talk when something is bothering them. If you’re having trouble sleeping, it could be a sign of a mental health difficulty, or it could contribute to a mental health problem. Learn more about positive mental health here.
Someone with positive mental health
Having positive mental health does not mean that a person won’t face struggles in their life, and they may need the support of a friend, a family member, or even a counsellor to overcome some of these struggles. This could include stress at work or school, dealing with loss, or any other reason why they might be finding things hard. Having positive mental health might mean they are able to overcome these challenges faster, but that does not necessarily mean they will not need help.
You can achieve positive mental health by:
Embracing who you are helps to boost self-confidence which can lead you to discover new friends, places and things. Fully accepting yourself also boosts your self-esteem, and having high self-esteem is especially helpful to have during difficult times. Learn ways to maintain positive mental health here