New episode of’s ‘Change the World’ podcast series released
Young people across Ireland share their thoughts on the Sustainable Development Goals and how we can achieve them teamed up with the National Youth Council of Ireland to support young people to share their thoughts and amplify their voices on the Sustainable Development Goals and how they impact young people in Ireland and globally.
Each podcast in the Change the World limited podcast series has been researched, produced and recorded by a young person. Each week, we’ll be releasing a new podcast episode, focusing on a specific Sustainable Development Goal, shining a light on the important actions we need to take here in Ireland and globally to create a more equal and sustainable world.
Listen to the episodes:
- Episode 1: Consent – is it black and white?
- Episode 2: How much do your clothes really cost?
- Episode 3: Is decent work really that important?
- Episode 4: How climate activists change the world
- Episode 5: How do we tackle Ireland’s housing crisis?
- Episode 6: Are you energised by the future?
- Episode 7: How can YOU create a fairer world?
Episode 7: How can YOU create a fairer world?
In this podcast Mark McNulty looks at what actions we as individuals can take across a number of the goals, on both a local and national level, to help meet the SDG targets by 2030.
Episode 6: Are you energised by the future?
In this podcast Caitlin Grant and Ross Boyd focus on SDG goal 7, affordable and clean energy. They talk about their experience at the 11th EU Citizens Energy Forum in Dublin, and how we can support young people to have a better say in their energy future.
Episode 5: How do we tackle Ireland’s housing crisis?
In this podcast Sarah Canavan and Dean Murray focus on goal number 11, sustainable cities and communities. Sarah and Dean look at the main aims of the goal, and how they relate to life in Ireland. They also focus on what young people in Ireland can do to help achieve goal 11 by 2030.
Episode 4: How climate activists change the world
In the episode, Criodán Ó Murchú looks at SDG Goal 13 Climate Action and chats to climate activist Dr. Cara Augustenborg about climate action, renewable energy and the impact young people can have in the fight against climate change.
Episode 3: Is decent work really that important?
In this episode Colm and Edie focus on Goal 8, decent work and economic growth.
They explore each of the targets under Goal 8, diving into both the barriers to achieving these targets and the opportunities they give us, both here in Ireland, and abroad.
Episode 2: How much do your clothes really cost?
In this podcast, Lariane Costa Ramos focuses on goal number 12: responsible consumption and production.
Together with guests Claire Garvey and Sarah Navin, Lariane explores the world of fast fashion, looking at the impact it has on the environment, and workers, across the globe, and how our own actions can make a big difference in changing this industry.
Episode 1: Consent – is it black and white?
In this podcast, Maeve McTaggart will focus on goal number 5, Gender Equality.
Maeve looks at target 5.2 which aims to “Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking, and sexual and other types of exploitation” Maeve talks to Kayle, a SMART consent ambassador and workshop facilitator at University College Cork, about how open conversations around consent can help make Ireland a safer and more equal place, helping us reach this SDG target.
Check out Maeve’s Podcast on Spotify
What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs?)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as Global Goals, are a set of goals created by the United Nations (UN) which aim to create a more equal and sustainable world. There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on poverty, education, gender equality, the environment, the economy and more. Each one calls for action by both developed and developing countries, so the goals can be achieved worldwide.
The goals recognise that ending poverty and other injustices must go hand-in-hand with improving health and education, reducing inequality, and sustainable economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to protect our oceans and forests.