
How to support a friend who is feeling depressed

Written by: spunout

You want to be there for them through thick and thin

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What is counselling and how can it help?

Written by: spunout

Find out how seeing a counsellor could help you

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What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

Written by: spunout

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be used to treat a variety of mental health conditions

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Your right to medical consent and confidentiality

Written by: spunout

Find out about your right to consent and confidentiality when receiving medical treatment.

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Healthy eating

Written by: spunout

Finding the healthy balance with food

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Bipolar Disorder

Written by: spunout

Find supportive information on bipolar disorder

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How to improve your skills and employability

Written by: spunout

There are many free and accessible ways to strengthen your skills and improve your job prospects

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How to exercise during the winter months

Written by: spunout

How to keep fit during the winter months

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Postnatal Depression

Written by: spunout

Tips on how to deal with feeling low after the birth of your baby

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How to improve your self-esteem

Written by: spunout

All sorts of stuff can cause you to lose confidence in yourself

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Dealing with depression

Written by: spunout

Support and treatment for depression

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What is exercise addiction?

Written by: spunout

You might feel like you have to exercise, that you can't miss out on your exercise routine

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