
spunout’s Open Minds campaign

Written by: spunout

Deepen your understanding of mental health and how society and personal experiences can impact it.

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Is mental health a spectrum?

Written by: spunout

Building your understanding of what mental health is can help you take control of your mental health and wellbeing.

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How does society affect your mental health?

Written by: spunout

Your mental health is impacted by the conditions around you.

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What is trauma? Causes, symptoms and treatments

Written by: spunout

Trauma can occur any time a person endures stress, fear, or panic

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Why language matters when talking about mental health

Written by: spunout

The words we use when speaking about mental health can have a huge impact

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Quiz: How much do you know about trauma?

Written by: spunout

Take this quiz to see if you can recognise what trauma is, where it comes from, and how it can impact you.

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spunout and Pavee Point highlight Traveller accommodation crisis

Written by: spunout

Just under half (40%) of Traveller households are living in severely overcrowded conditions

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Money On Your Mind

Written by: spunout

Learn more about managing your money throughout the college year

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How to create a budget

Written by: spunout

If you are creating a budget, it is important to make one that is realistic and manageable for you

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Saving money as a student

Written by: spunout

You don't have to wait until after college to start saving

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How to deal with financial stress

Written by: spunout

It's important to be kind to yourself if you are experiencing financial stress

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How to get a loan

Written by: spunout

Before you get a loan, there are some questions you need to ask the lender

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