
How to make the most of your time at school

Written by: spunout

School is not for everyone, but there are things you can do to try and make the most of your time there

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How to deal with disappointing grades

Written by: spunout

Disappointing grades can be tough to deal with, but there are ways to handle the disappointment.

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What to do if you don’t get your first choice on the CAO

Written by: spunout

Find out your options if you don't get your first choice on the CAO.

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What to do if your mental health is impacting your education

Written by: spunout

It can be tough to deal with mental health difficulties in school or college, but there is help out there

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What can I do when I finish secondary school?

Written by: spunout

A guide to your options when finishing school and moving on to further education or work

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BeLonG To release results from LGBTI+ Life in Lockdown National Survey

Written by: spunout

COVID-19 has had a negative impact on the mental health of young LGBTI+ people in Ireland

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Share your story about alcohol misuse in your home

Written by: spunout

We want to shine a light on the impact of parents' alcohol misuse on young people

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What are the current COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland?

Written by: spunout

Keep up to date with all the current COVID-19 regulations in Ireland

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A guide to protesting during COVID-19

Written by: spunout

Large gatherings are banned during COVID-19 but certain protests can take place

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Share your experience as a carer in Ireland

Written by: spunout

As part of Carers Week 2024, we want to hear from young people who care for others

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What is the Black Lives Matter movement?

Written by: spunout

#BlackLivesMatter is used on social media but where did the movement come from and what does it mean

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The effects of racism on health and mental health

Written by: spunout

The Irish Network Against Racism (INAR) highlight the impact racism has on people living in Ireland

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