
What is Supplementary Welfare Allowance?

Written by: spunout

If you don't have enough income to meet your needs, you might qualify for Supplementary Welfare Allowance

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All you need to know about redundancy

Written by: spunout

Find out about your rights and entitlements

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What is workplace mediation?

Written by: spunout

This is one way of solving disagreements in the workplace

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What is involved when taking industrial action?

Written by: spunout

Find out about your rights when it comes to strikes, pickets and more

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Your Rights as an Agency Worker

Written by: spunout

There might be some differences in your rights when being employed by an agency compared to directly working for a business

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Work Rights for Migrants in Ireland

Written by: spunout

Find out about who can work in Ireland and what there rights are

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8 common myths about suicide

Written by: spunout

Understanding these myths around suicide can help us to support people who feel suicidal

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How can I tell that someone is thinking of suicide?

Written by: spunout

Most people experiencing emotional pain show signs of distress

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Who is at risk of suicide?

Written by: spunout

Suicidal thoughts or feelings don’t arrive out of the blue

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Am I eligible for Partial Capacity Benefit?

Written by: spunout

If you have been out of work due to a medical condition for at least six months, you could qualify for this payment

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Declaring tax as a Freelance Worker

Written by: spunout

If you work freelance, you must register as self-employed

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Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) for unemployed people

Written by: spunout

This scheme provides training courses to unemployed people

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