Common myths about LGBT people
Breaking down the myths and stigma around being LGBT

LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. There are a lot of myths and misinformation about LGBT people out there. If don’t know any LGBT people, you might find it hard to know what’s true and what isn’t. We’re here to separate the facts from the fiction.
Myth: There is something wrong with being LGBT
Fact: There is absolutely nothing wrong with being LGBT. It is completely natural and normal. What’s more, being LGBT is something to be proud of and celebrated.
Myth: All lesbian women are masculine and all gay men are feminine
Fact: There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of if you are a man with traditionally feminine qualities, or a woman with traditionally masculine qualities. However, lesbians are not necessarily any more ‘masculine’ than straight women, and gay men are not necessarily any more ‘feminine’ than straight men. Most people have a range of both masculine and feminine characteristics, and LGBT people are no different.
Myth: Being LGBT is a choice
Fact: Being LGBT is not a choice. Nobody decides to be LGBT, just like nobody decides to be straight or cisgender.
Myth: LGBT people are bad parents
Fact: All of the leading research says that what children need is loving, caring parent/s, and it doesn’t matter what gender or sexual orientation their parent/s are. And don’t forget, opposite gender couples can also be LGBT! Parents who are the same gender are as diverse as parents of the opposite gender.
Myth: LGBT people have more partners and are not monogamous
Fact: There are people of every sexual orientation or gender identity that have multiple partners or non-monogamous relationships. There’s nothing wrong with this as long as the sex and relationships are safe and consensual. However, LGBT people are just as likely to have long-term, monogamous relationships as straight, cisgender people.
Myth: If I have sex with someone who’s LGBT, I’m more likely to catch an STI.
Fact: If you have unprotected sex with anyone, you’re at risk of catching a sexually transmitted infection – it doesn’t matter what gender or sexual orientation your partner is. Always use condoms every single time you have vaginal sex, anal sex, or oral sex performed on a penis, and always use a dental dam for vaginal-oral or anal-oral sex, no matter what gender or sexual orientation your partner is.
Myth: To be bisexual, you must like two genders equally.
Fact: If you are bisexual you might realise that you fancy one gender more or that at different times in your life you tend to fancy only men or only women. You also might only have relationships with one gender but still feel attracted to the other. Everybody’s sexual orientation is unique and that’s ok.
Myth: All transgender people are gay.
Fact: Sexual orientation and gender identity are completely different parts of a person. Transgender people, like cisgender people, can be lesbian, gay, bisexual, straight, or anything else.
Remember: The age of sexual consent in Ireland is 17. If you’re over 16, you can consent to medical treatment including any treatment or tests needed.
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