Grainne Jones

Why my eating disorder was so hard to diagnose

Written by: Grainne Jones

Grainne talks about growing up and living with OSFED, a common eating disorder that is not always well understood

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How my friends helped me when I was self harming

Written by: Grainne Jones

Grainne shares her experience with self harm and talks about some ways her friends helped her

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Review of a Vision for Change

Written by: Grainne Jones

Department of Health are reviewing the National Mental Health Policy

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Take part in a mental health research project

Written by: Grainne Jones

A new research project has started in Trinity College Dublin and is looking for teenage girls to take part

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Top tips for conserving water

Written by: Grainne Jones

Here at we've put together some tips to help you conserve water

Read More’s Saturday Pride Guide 2018

Written by: Grainne Jones

Many different events will be taking place on Saturday 30th June

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“Just Carry One” – the campaign to reduce STIs in Ireland

Written by: Grainne Jones

HIV Ireland and Durex have teamed up to raise awareness about STIs in Ireland

Read More’s Dublin Pride Guide 2018

Written by: Grainne Jones

Events are taking place from 21st -30th June

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Sásta – the new youth festival

Written by: Grainne Jones

A new festival for 15-18 year olds will take place in August

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Ireland fails to meet climate change targets

Written by: Grainne Jones

Ireland ranks second-worst in Europe for its efforts to tackle climate change

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Opportunity: award a politician for innovative work

Written by: Grainne Jones

European citizens are being given the opportunity to award politicians for their innovative or unique work

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Last chance to perform at Indy City Music Festival

Written by: Grainne Jones

The Indy City Music Festival is looking for young people to perform at the event

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