
Survey: Experiences of mental health as a young person from a migrant background

Written by: spunout

Share your experiences with us to help shape the content on SpunOut.ie

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Workshop: Taking action on issues that matter to you

Written by: spunout

Find out more about the Global Goals, and how you can channel your passion and commitment to bring about positive change.

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Going to school during COVID-19

Written by: spunout

If you're finding school stressful during the pandemic, know that you are not alone

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How to motivate yourself to do college work at home

Written by: spunout

Working or studying at home can be challenging, but there are some things that can help you stay motivated

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How to make college friends during blended learning

Written by: spunout

Learn more about making friends while taking some of your college classes online

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Mental health supports for college students in Ireland

Written by: spunout

There are a range of services across Ireland to help support the mental health of college students

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College counselling services in Ireland

Written by: spunout

Speaking to a counsellor while at third level can help you support your mental health

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Are you living with an invisible disability?

Written by: spunout

If you're between 16 and 25, and living in Ireland, we'd love to hear from you

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Guide to blended learning

Written by: spunout

Many college courses are now being taught through a mix of online and face-to-face learning

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College students feeling nervous about return to education

Written by: spunout

A survey carried out by SPIN showed that students are struggling with the levels of COVID uncertainty in the future

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How to talk to your friend about their drug use

Written by: spunout

If you’re worried about a friend who’s taking drugs, here are ways to approach the conversation with them

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What happens if you misuse prescription medication?

Written by: spunout

Prescription medication should only be taken if it was prescribed by a doctor, and should be taken exactly as described

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