
What countries are on the Government’s travel Green List?

Written by: spunout

The green list is a list of countries you can travel to from Ireland without having to quarantine on return

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Being deported in Ireland: Advice and Support

Written by: spunout

The MRCI offer information for undocumented people living in Ireland

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Information for undocumented people in Ireland

Written by: spunout

The Migrant Rights Centre Ireland offer support and advice for undocumented people in Ireland

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Going to a house party during COVID-19

Written by: spunout

New measures announced by the Government limits the amount of people who can be in one household at a time

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Making the easing of restrictions easier for people with autism

Written by: spunout

Aoife talks about practical steps we can all take in our lives to make the easing of the COVID lockdown easier for people with Autism.

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Share your story for Traveller Pride Week

Written by: spunout

We want to hear from young Travellers across Ireland to celebrate and promote the contributions of Travellers in Irish society.

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Who is in Ireland’s Government?

Written by: spunout

Our current Government is made up of a coalition between Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, and the Green Party

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Take part in a survey on your vision for rural Ireland

Written by: spunout

RURALIZATION is a European research to bring new opportunities to rural Ireland

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What to do if you witness racism

Written by: spunout

It’s important to do something when you see racism - doing nothing sends a message that it’s okay

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What is white privilege?

Written by: spunout

White privilege is a term used to describe the advantages white people have in society due to racist structures

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How to educate yourself about racism

Written by: spunout

In order to tackle racism in our society, we need to understand it

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Download the COVID-19 Tracker app

Written by: spunout

Help the HSE to track cases of COVID-19, stay informed, and get an alert if you’ve been in close contact with a case

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